Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Shopping Learnings

After being here almost a week it was time to do the big grocery shop to stock up and buy things like baking supplies etc. As many know, shopping with toddlers is near impossible so realized it would need to be done on my own after the kids were in bed. Lessons learnt the hard way...

1. don't go shopping after sundown during Ramadan - SO busy, I had to dodge small children running the isles (yes at 10pm), muscle my way to the front of the crowd just to get at the shelves, and get lots of stares for being the only white person in the store...of thousands!

2. 4 wheels on a suitcase great...four wheel direction on a shopping buggy not fun - see number 1, as if the crowds weren't bad enough I couldn't steer the buggy

3. don't go shopping in cheap flip flops - see number 2, getting grip to even attempt steering impossible in flip flops

4. don't expect shopping to be quick, easy, or enjoyable for a long time - although there are pretty much all the same products here, most are different brands than anything we've ever tried so it's basically a crap shoot trying to decide on the best one. Guess it will be trial and error on products for a while. So much to choose from here, all the foods from home plus all the other foods from around the world in one place. I need my Mom to explain what half the vegetables are here and how to prepare them! That goes for most of the spices and products here too.

On a positive note, there is always someone right there to collect your cart from you and if you wish wash your car while you shop! Oh and they unload your cart for you at the till.

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